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Identification for the Optimal Working Parameters of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru Alloy in a Wide Deformation Condition Range by Processing Maps Based on DMM
2018-11-24 17:28  

Xia, Y.-F., Long, S., Zhou, Y.-T., Zhao, J., Wang, T.-Y., Zhou, J.
Identification for the optimal working parameters of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru alloy in a wide deformation condition range by processing maps based on DMM
(2016) Materials Research, 19 (6), pp. 1449-1460. 被引用 4 次.

DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2016-0448
归属机构: School of Material Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China
摘要: The hot deformation behaviours of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru alloy were investigated by isothermal hot compression tests in the temperature range of 1023-1423 K and strain rate range of 0.01-10 s-1. The β transus was determined to be 1198 K by continuous heating method. The values of deformation activation energy Q at the strain of 0.3 were calculated to be 630.01 kJ/mol in dual-phase field and 331.75 kJ/mol in β-phase field. Moreover, the processing maps at the strain of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 were developed based on dynamic materials model (DMM). To deeply understand the microstructure evolution mechanism during hot deformation processes and to verify the processing maps, the microstructures at different deformation conditions were observed. The stable microstructures (i.e. globularization, dynamic recovery (DRV) and β dynamic recrystallization (β-DRX)) and instable microstructures (i.e. lamellae kinking and flow localization) were obtained. To make it useful in the design of industrial hot working schedules for this material, a microstructural mechanism map was constructed on the basis of processing maps and microstructure observation. Deformation conditions in the vicinity of 1150 K & 0.01 s-1 where globularization occurs and in the vicinity of 1323 K & 0.01 s-1 where β-DRX occurs are recommended.
作者关键字: Dynamic materials model;  Hot compression test;  Microstructural mechanism map;  Processing map;  Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru alloy
索引关键字: Activation energy; Aluminum; Compression testing; Crystal microstructure; Deformation; Dynamic recrystallization; Dynamics; Hot pressing; Microstructure; Ruthenium alloys; Strain rate; Titanium alloys; Vanadium alloys, Deformation activation energy; Dynamic materials model; Hot deformation process; Micro-structure evolutions; Microstructural mechanisms; Microstructure observation; Processing maps; Ti-6 Al-4 V, Hot working
出版商: Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos
ISSN: 15161439
原始文献语言: English
来源出版物名称缩写: Mater. Res.
文献类型: Article
来源出版物: Scopus


